As the wind passes by, giving a gentle touch of hope, so does the time goes by reminding about the life waiting in the future.
Some crazy months have passed, she is with him. Trying to do all that was possible just to change his mind. As the arms in the clock kept moving, she collected tons of laugh and sweetest of reminiscences to remember. And for the first time, he started laughing again after the accident which left him paralyzed. Even tons of laughter and sweet memories were not harmonizing his thought to die. The pain of not being able to live his own life made him seek for euthanasia(Mercy Killing).
Then came the day, before he would fade away. It was nearly 10 at night, listening to the soothing sound of birds nocturnal call, gazing at the moonlight reflecting over the touch of the sea. As the waves rolled over each other, dashing at the shore, it was magical nightfall when she was with him. Her fingers brushing through his hair, they were lost in the tender touch as the cold breeze moved over them. Lost in love their lips collide sending to past their first kiss of life. And as she remembered that the first kiss would stay as last, tears rolled out from her eyes traveling gently over her cheek and fell right on his hand. The warmth of her tear which reached his hands failed to reach his mind. There he sat with boldness in his decision to fade, despite his love for her. Worrying about her future, as he wants her to live life to its full extent. With a cute little hug, the day passed by.
Some crazy months have passed, she is with him. Trying to do all that was possible just to change his mind. As the arms in the clock kept moving, she collected tons of laugh and sweetest of reminiscences to remember. And for the first time, he started laughing again after the accident which left him paralyzed. Even tons of laughter and sweet memories were not harmonizing his thought to die. The pain of not being able to live his own life made him seek for euthanasia(Mercy Killing).
Then came the day, before he would fade away. It was nearly 10 at night, listening to the soothing sound of birds nocturnal call, gazing at the moonlight reflecting over the touch of the sea. As the waves rolled over each other, dashing at the shore, it was magical nightfall when she was with him. Her fingers brushing through his hair, they were lost in the tender touch as the cold breeze moved over them. Lost in love their lips collide sending to past their first kiss of life. And as she remembered that the first kiss would stay as last, tears rolled out from her eyes traveling gently over her cheek and fell right on his hand. The warmth of her tear which reached his hands failed to reach his mind. There he sat with boldness in his decision to fade, despite his love for her. Worrying about her future, as he wants her to live life to its full extent. With a cute little hug, the day passed by.
The next day as the sun rolled high, shining its warm golden light over the fields. The entire meadow glowing with its morning warmth, as the dew slide gently on the blades of grass nearby. She wakes up to the sweet twittering of birds. Getting a cup of coffee, she slides the window to find a beautiful day ahead of her. Indeed it was a gorgeous day to remember. But there she stands of melancholy knowing it’s irrevocable for her love. She gets all set takes a car and starts a drive to spend some irreplaceable movement with him which would never come back. Arrived at her destination she opens up the door to find his man waiting for her love. She moves to the right holds his hand wishing for the time to freeze, so that they may live like this till the earth stands still. As they have just a few hours left, they open up their hearts and talk. And as time passed by, her face showed fear. Fear of leading a life that will not have him by her side. She asks him to tell something good. For which he sang her favorite “The Molahonkey Song”.
As a leaf falls from the tree wavering in the direction which the wind takes and then comes to rest on the earth, he let goes of his life and enters an eternal sleep. She would always remember his pieces of advice and promises. And would live a life which he wanted her to live. Always pushing herself ahead and living life boldly with pride and never settling down for anything.